Har qanday LED elektron ekranini sotib olsak, bu maqsadsiz tanlov emas, ammo kerakli ta'sirga erishish uchun bizning talab sharoitimizga muvofiq buyurtma berish. Bu nuqta pitchini hisoblash va LED elektron ekranini ko'rish masofasidan ajralmas. Shu tarzda, shu ravishda, shunday qilib, u LED elektron ekranining eng katta rolini o'ynashi mumkin.
1. Nuqtalarni hisoblash usuli: the center distance between each pixel point and each adjacent pixel point; each pixel point can be one LED light (e.g. PH10 (1R)), two LED lights (e.g. : PH16 (2R)), three LED lights (kabi: PH16 (2R1G1B)), P10 dot pitch: 10MM; P16 dot pitch: 16MM; P18 dot pitch: 18MM.
Ikkinchi, the calculation method of length and height: nuqta oralig'i × nuqta soni = uzunlik / balandlik
Masalan: PH16 uzunligi = 16 ball × 1.6㎝ = 25.6㎝, balandligi = 8 ball × 1.6㎝ = 12.8㎝
PH10 uzunligi = 32 ball × 1.0㎝ = 32㎝, balandligi = 16 ball × 1.0㎝ = 16㎝
Uchinchisi, ekranda ishlatilgan modullar sonini hisoblash usuli: Umumiy maydoni ÷ modul uzunligi ÷ modul balandligi = ishlatilgan modullar soni
Masalan: 10 kvadrat PH16 tashqi monoxromatik LED elektron ekranlar teng modullardan foydalanadi:
10 kvadrat metr ÷ 0.256 metr ÷ 0.128 metr = 305.17678≈305
Keyinchalik aniq hisoblash usuli: the number of modules used in length × the number of modules used in height = the total number of modules used
Kabi: PH16 monochromatic LED electronic screen with a length of 5 meters and a height of 2 metrga teng, the number of modules used:
Number of long-use modules=5m÷0.256m=19.53125≈20
Ko'p ishlatiladigan modullar soni = 2m ÷ 0.128m = 15.625≈16
Amaldagi modullarning umumiy soni = 20 × 16 = 320
To'rtinchi, LED elektron ekranining vizual masofasini hisoblash usuli:
RGB ranglarni aralashtirish masofasi uchta rang orasidagi masofa bitta rangga aralashadi: LED to'liq rangli ekranni ko'rish masofasi = piksel balandligi (mm) × 500/1000
Minimal ko'rish masofasi silliq tasvirning masofasini ko'rsatishi mumkin: etakchi elektron ekranning ko'rinadigan masofasi = piksel pitch (mm) × 1000/1000
Ko'rish uchun eng maqbul masofa Tomoshabin aniq tasvirni ko'rishi mumkin bo'lgan masofa: Led elektron displeyning eng yaxshi ko'rish masofasi = piksel pitch (mm) × 3000/1000
Eng uzoq ko'rish masofasi: etakchi elektron ekranni ko'rish masofasi = ekran balandligi (m) × 30 (marta).