Шта је провидан ЛЕД екран?

ЛЕД екран за екран (1)

Transparent LED display is a new type of transparent display product created by people’s visual principle. The structure of the lamp strip is similar to that of the shutter. The lamp beads are evenly distributed on the lamp strip and are generally installed indoors without changing the building space and appearance. It has the characteristics of high transparency, high brightness and bright colors.
Due to the characteristics of large-area display, тхе тхе Прозорни ЛЕД екран generally adopts modular design, which can be DIY assembled into a giant screen. There is no frame design, special-shaped splicing, and the curved surface display has perfect display effect.
It is mainly used for stage beauty, велике тржне центре, ланац продавница, high-end exhibitions, glass windows, architectural glass and other transparent display scenes.prozirno prikazani led film (4)
Transparent LED display screen is a new star of LED display screen in recent years, which is deeply loved by the public. For the traditional LED display screen, the traditional LED display screen is large in volume and consumption, which is not conducive to maintenance. Installation requires a lot of transportation and labor costs.

У поређењу са ЛЦД-ом и ДЛП-ом, transparent LED display has the inherent advantages of high brightness, no pollution, seamless splicing and no area influence, and is deeply loved by consumers and the market.
ЛЕД екрани сјајно сијају у жестокој тржишној конкуренцији са разним продорима у традиционалној конкуренцији. Као нови производ, транспарентни ЛЕД екран постепено је окупирао тржиште ЛЕД комерцијалних дисплеја својом изузетном јединственошћу. Као што многи пријатељи у индустрији знају, 95% од Произвођачи ЛЕД транспарентних екрана окупљају у Шенжену, Гуангдонг Провинце. ЛЕД окупљалиште у Шенжену је одувек било чудо за креаторе’ изложба и креативна изложба. The birth of LED transparent screen will affect the huge market share of traditional LED display.

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