Novastar LED skjástýring MCTRL660 myndsendingarkort Nova

mctrl600 stjórnandi

Novastar LED skjástýring MCTRL660 myndsendingarkort Nova samstilltur stjórnandi MCTRL660 FULL litur 1,5-10 mm MCTRL600


Vörugerð :Stjórnandi

Inntak Upplausn :1920× 1200,2048 × 1152,2560 × 960(breidd og hæð er hægt að skilgreina sérstaklega af viðskiptavinum)

Stærð :2.3 milljón pixlar.

Framboðsspenna :AC-100-240V-50 / 60Hz

Stjórnunaraðferð :USB tengi

Myndbandstengi :HDMI / DVI

Hljóðviðmót :HDMI / 3,5 mm

Viedo snið :RGB,YCrCb4:2:2,YCrCb4:4:4

Útgangsviðmót :4 Ethernet tengi

Bit dýpt myndbanda :8/10/12bita

Tengi ljósskynjara :Ekki styðja

vottun :EB,RoHS,FCC,í,EAC



1) It has adopted an innovative design to implement smart configuration and the screen configuration can be completed within 30 sekúndur;
2) It has adopted Nova G4 engine, sem gerir skjáinn stöðugan og blikkar án þess að skanna línur. Myndirnar verða stórkostlegar og koma með góða tilfinningu fyrir dýpt;
3) It supports Nova’s new-generation pixel-by-pixel calibration technology which is fast and efficient;
4) It can implement white balance calibration and color gamut mapping based on different features of LEDs used by displays to ensure restoration of true colors;
5) It is the only control system supporting the input of 12-bit high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) og stafræn efnisvörn með mikilli bandbreidd (HDCP) í Kína;
6) It supports screen configuration at any time without a computer;
7) It supports manual adjustment of screen brightness, sem er þægilegt og skilvirkt. Þessir eiginleikar hafa fullnægt sérstökum þörfum leiguþjónustu skjáa að hámarki;
8) HDMI/DVI Input;
9) HDMI/DVI Output;
10) HDMI/external audio input;
11) 12bit/10bit/8bit HD video source;
12) Resolution supported: 2048× 1152,1920 × 1200,2560 × 960;
13) Resolution supported: 1440× 900,(12 bita / 10 bita);
14) Cascading supported;
15) 18 bit gray scale processing and presentation;

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